• Visualization of Colorado's changing population (1990-2040)

    A visualization I made showing Colorado’s changing population starting in 1990 and projecting out to 2040. I used Python and Plotly to build this. My code can be found here. The data I used to plot this was provided by Colorado’s state government and can be found here

  • [Tutorial] Building a County Level Choropleth with a Custom Colorbar with Python and Plotly

    In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to make a county level choropleth with a custom colorbar using Python and Plotly. Much of the material in this tutorial can be found in Plotly’s County Level Choropleth in Python tutorial, with the notable difference being that this tutorial will use a...

  • Path Specifications for PySpark on Mac OS X

    I have recently begun exploring spark a bit. Spark is really cool and I have been enjoying learning more about it, but I found a couple of things about the setup minorly annoying. First I couldn’t run the pyspark shell outside of the spark directory, and second I couldn’t run...